A Morning with C. S. Lewis Video series

Adult Sunday School

Cs Lewis

January/February Classes

Begins January 5th | 9:30 am

How God Meets Us in Our Work Story (Younts Parlor C)

In this class, we’ll explore how God meets us in our work stories—through our struggles and strengths, our longing for meaningful work, and the challenges of balancing life’s demands. Together, we’ll reflect on the theology of work and discover practical ways to find purpose, build relationships, navigate conflict, and grow our faith in the workplace. Taught by Tamara and Jamie Walters.

Walking Through the Word (Younts Parlor A-B)

An in-depth, Inductive Bible study of Galatians and Ephesians. Taught by Linda Simpson, Bill Ralston and Dan Owen.

Heart and Mind Together: The Writings and Significance of C. S. Lewis (Beard Hall)

This class will explore some of the key writings of Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963), the Oxford and Cambridge professor of English literature and massively influential lay theologian whose writings covered a variety of genres: fiction, apologetics, poetry, etc. Visit our C. S. Lewis page to learn more about the class and to see the class reading schedule. Reading in advance is not mandatory, but it will help you get the most out of the class!

We are also honored to welcome Professor Jerry Root of Wheaton College, a world renowned expert on Lewis, to speak at Westminster on Saturday, February 15th. Visit Church Center for more information and registration.