A Morning with C. S. Lewis Video series


Let's serve together!

At Westminster, community is in our DNA. In fact, our vision statement includes that our life in Christ is lived together. Integral to that belief is that our life in Christ together should be for the sake of others. Below are some of the ways you can be a part of serving with others in the Westminster family.

The Fellowship Committee needs YOU!! A strength of our WPC community is the vibrant, active fellowship we all enjoy around meals — Second Sunday Lunches, Westminster Wednesdays, the Annual Picnic, etc. As these events grow in popularity and size, our committee could use more hands in planning and presenting these events. It’s a great way to plug in to the life of the church. Would you consider joining the Fellowship Committee? Please sign up here, and please contact Nick Valaoras if you have any questions at npvalaoras@gmail.com or 704-517-3321. Thank you!

Serving Opportunity Highlights

General Volunteer Form

We'd love to help get you plugged into the serving life at Westminster. Feel free to fill out the form below and we'll find a place for you!