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Our Beliefs

What we believe at Westminster about Jesus, salvation, and more.

Our Beliefs

Westminster is a part of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO). Ours is a new movement of Presbyterians driven by the desire to reach people with the Good News of the Gospel who have either never heard it or, having grown up in the church, find themselves now wanting to return to church.

If you were to think of ECO as a large tent then our ‘essential tenets’ constitute the strong central pole holding up the entire structure. We start by declaring that our one authority for what to believe and how to live is found in the Word of God – the Word in Scripture, the Bible, and the Word Incarnate, Jesus. Next, we affirm that God is one (we are ‘monotheists’) and has revealed himself to us in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (we are Trinitarian monotheists). We also affirm that God the Son, Jesus, is fully divine and fully human.

Presbyterians are part of the Reformed Protestant family of Christians. As reformed Christians, we affirm that there is one and only one means of salvation and that is by God’s grace in Christ. Next, we affirm that God has elected us for both salvation and service. Our salvation is God’s doing from first to last and once saved we are called to lives of service. We next affirm that as Christians we are called to live out our faith in and through the covenant life of the church, using our gifts to build one another up in the faith. We also affirm that God calls us to be faithful stewards of all life – both the physical and spiritual are important, both justice and evangelism, care for creation, and care for the souls of people. Finally, we believe it essential to live in obedience to the Word of God. We conform to what the Bible teaches and use Scripture as the interpretive lens through which we look at American culture at the beginning of the 21st century.

You can find more info on the ECO Essential Tenets & Confessional Standards here.

Our Denomination

Westminster is part of the Presbyterian denomination, ECO. Click on the logo below to learn more!