Register for the Women's Retreat! November 1-3 More Information

Jr. Church

What is the goal of Jr. Church?

We believe that our children are just as capable of encountering Jesus as our youth and adults are. Therefore, we strive to provide them with robust, Bible-based lessons each week provided by our dedicated Storytellers. We use the Dwell Curriculum for our kids from ages 4 up to 2nd grade in their own "Jr. Church" downstairs. Children will also have time to share a snack and play with others in their groups on our amazing playground or in their classrooms.

Who is invited to Jr. Church?

Children who are 4 years old through 2nd grade participate in several aspects of our service "upstairs" : singing songs, hearing scripture readings, confessing and being reassured of Jesus's love for us before being dismissed downstairs by "following the green banner" (held by one of our volunteers). If you are a visitor, please sign in downstairs before the service or follow your children at dismissal from the service to sign in.

How does pick-up work?

Pick-up takes place at the playground or, on rainy days, at the door of the preschool wing.


Want to serve?